Clark Martin Law Firm

Proven Success

Case Results


Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury

Defendant was in a rental vehicle driving for work, ran a red light and struck our client.


Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury

Universal settlement with Uber. Adverse driver ran red light and client suffered multiple herniated discs and head injury.


Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury

Client was driving an 18 wheeler and coming to a stop due to another accident ahead.


Overserved Alcohol

Won a settlement for a family whose husband/father was overserved alcohol at a bar. We filed a temporary restraining order against the bar and received video footage showing the waiters and bar staff serving our deceased client a large amount of alcohol over the period of several hours.


Pedestrian Accident involving 18-wheeler

Won a settlement over policy limits for a woman who was tragically run over by an 18-wheeler while crossing the street in a crosswalk. Due to quick action with a temporary restraining order and investigation, the incident was caught on a nearby surveillance video camara.

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Happy To Discuss About Your Requirement

Learn your legal rights during a free, no-obligation consultation. Clark Martin is here to listen and to help guide you through the legal process each step of the way.

720 W Alabama St, Houston, TX 77006